
PROJECT: craft.

I just have to share.
Any of you live in the Tri-Cities Area?
I do!
And when I found out this will be happening, I was VERY EXCITED.
You can imagine moving to a new area, you don't get out much.
I don't quite have new friends to get together.
I am starting to get symptoms of cabin fever.

More info can be found on Dandee Designs and Run Lucas Run.
But come Sept. 25th, it will all disappear!!
If you are coming, super. 
See you there.

If not...
don't be jealous.

1 comment:

  1. oh my so jealous lyssa!!! i've followed both of their blogs forever and so wish i could go! have fun!! so excited for you. :)

    so how do you like WA? we have always wanted to either settle in WA or Oregon...


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