
emma is now 5.

this little girl is so special.
she makes me laugh and smile each day.
i am one lucky mom to have her!
she woke up to her presents, which of course, is the best part of birthday!
she got wonderful presents!  I found this dress-up trunk with 8 dresses and 10 pairs of shoes at a garage sale for $12!  She loved it!

 She got a Belle year is snow white, watch for that...
 her birthday shirt that I made for her :)

 I also took some beauties of this beauty.  I couldn't resist with this adorable hoodie.

 We also did a day trip to NE OR...remarkable really.
 emma in all her 5 year old glory :)


  1. Happy #5 to the cute birthday girl!!

  2. Emma is getting all grown up!! I love her addiction to princess stuff, I think it's SO cute!! I love when kids have a fun obsession like that! Looks like she had a great birthday. HaPPy BiRThDay cute little Emma!!

  3. Happy Birthday Emma! Peyton would kill for a chest like that. How do you always score so big! I'm never that lucky at garage sales. Oh and I LOVE Luke's hoodie. Makes me want a boy (well a tiny bit... I still am thinking 2 girls is enough kids for me :-))

  4. Happy Birthday Emma! What a great find for a birthday gift =)

  5. wow 5 already! her shirt is super cute, might have to copy that eventually. lol And that dress up box is sweet, what a good deal and perfect for her!


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