

About 3 weeks ago, we wanted to see what central WA has to offer.  So on Joe's day off, we headed out to Wenatchee, WA.  On the way,  or so we thought, was George, WA...get it?  It's famous for The Gorge Amphitheatre.  And me being the idiot that I am...sometimes....thought we could just head on over and check out the view from the amphitheatre.  We got off our designated road to check it out...
20 minutes later, we are still driving towards it....major detour....only to find that it's totally fenced off under lock and key.  I guess they were getting ready for Dave Matthews Band performing that coming weekend.
SOooo we headed back and proceeded to Wenatchee.
Very pretty.
East of the Cascades.
We stopped for lunch and played in a park down by the river...(not a van) haa.
Joe loves to explore past the designated "play" area and climb down rocks to get next to the river.  And in the process, he came across some gross a pile of human poop and a dollar bill that had been used to wipe the human poop.  I do not lie.
Of course I had to take a picture...but i'll spare you it...because it seriously will haunt you....maybe later.

So that was the highlight of Wenatchee.

We headed through the Stevens Pass towards Seattle.  Originally we were only visiting Wenatchee but looking at the clock, we had plenty of time to swing over to the west coast....cough.
here are some pics of a place we stopped by right outside of Seattle.  The blackberries are on every roadside, but just watch out for the humoungous spiders that live within the bushes.

This is probably the only smile we got from Luke on the trip.
He loves HATES to be strapped in, especially long intervals of this one.

We drove through Bellevue, ate at Red Robin then headed straight home.  We arrived there around 12 AM.
I am still recooperating from that one.


  1. Looks like you guys are taking advantage of your new spot! I'm just catching up on your last posts. Glad you're doing well!
    Also, just have to say that Luke looks soooo much like Kate in these pictures. Such cuties!!

  2. Look at those adorable dimples! It looks like you all had so much fun!


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