

House (hous): a dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families

This is my house.

Yet come April, it will not.
The owner will put it on the market.
But we are hoping we will be gone by then.

And when i say gone, I mean gone.
Most of you don't know this but Joe doesn't like his job.
He tolerates it because he's bringing home the bacon.
But other than that, he's already done with it (but not literally)
So we are back to where we were a year ago.
We have come closer to what we think we want.
but we both wish we could just move near family but it's not possible.

We are quite sure that our next step is buying a practice...but that's all we got.
We've been already looking since the first week Joe started this job (that's how much he "liked" it.)

We have a few places we are looking at.
But nothing yet.

But i must say that I am grateful that we made the move here to the Tri-Cities.
Helped me to realize that I will not move anywhere HOT again.
We finally have an income to get us through each day and start paying off those student

I guess it's good to be leaving so soon after moving here.
we have no ties really.
We've met some really nice people but we aren't attached to any one or thing.
I'm starting to get really used to that.....not that I want to be really.

I am looking forward to the day that we will be S.E.T.T.L.E.D. and all that comes with it.

But until then, I will make each place we live a HOME, with love, laughter and a few swats in the behinds.
So with that, I will leave you with Luke and I.
(just ignore the 1st pic of Luke trying to grab "me"...we will be working on that asap.)
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  1. Such cute photos! As unfortunate as your situation is, what a blessing that Joe is in the position where he can look for something he will enjoy. You're such a good mom. I appreciate all the advice you give me.

  2. Sorry to hear about Joe hating his job, but that is great that you guys are looking for a practice to buy. I hope everything works out well and that you end up in a cool place... I am very envious.

  3. It totally makes a difference when your hubby doesn't like there job! Hope you can find something AMAZING real soon.

  4. good attitude, you do a good job at making the best of any situation. I love your photo series with Luke. Seriously, your kids have the best smiles.
    I hated that video of Luke falling. He's a cute walker, but I hate that too. Too many bonks. Holland still takes some nasty falls when she's running. Makes me cringe everytime, but what do I do? Tell her not to run, ever? She'll have to figure it out someday.
    I guess this is the time in our lives to not be totally "settled" once we are I bet we'll be thinking, remember when our whole life was ahead of us? And our kids were young and we could have lived anywhere? Without too much uprooting and upset.
    I think that way anyway, it helps me feel excited about living somewhere "for the time being."

  5. ps. you hate 3 year olds? I thought the 2's were supposed to be bad? Holland doesn't give me any problems, but I hear she raises some havoc in the nursery. eh? What to do. I wonder what I'll be hearing from her sunbeams teacher. She will JUST have turned 3.

  6. I'm sad that you wont be here long, but I hope all goes well and you find a practice soon to buy. It is so important to have a job your hubby loves. Good luck! Hopefully we can hang out before you move.

  7. I hope Joe finds something he loves, I think that no mater where you live or what house you live in, if your husband is happy in his job it will make your life so much better. Mark loves his job and is never stressed about it. It seriously makes our family time together so much better.

    PS don't you have pics like that of you and emma? do you have them with kate too? It would be cute to see them all three together.


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