

i love this kid.
He is now 10 months, fitting in to 18 month clothes, as you can see below:
He's finally decided walking is the way to go.
His loves:
grapes, strawberries, blueberries, waffles, pancakes, all juices, water and whole milk, baths, outdoors, his tigger couch, toys that make noise, climbing the stairs, dancing, music, clapping, eating markers, getting into the bathroom, peekaboo, sisters and their attention, Baby Mozart, binky and blanket, Mom, DAD.
His Hates:
diaper changes, getting dressed, getting out of the tub, car seat, rice, potatoes, eating infront of him and not sharing, the gate blocking the stairs, taking markers away from him, closing the door to the bathroom.
can we just pause time?
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  1. I can't believe he's getting close to a year! He is so stinkin' cute! Love how you documented his likes and dislikes... I should do that. It'd be fun to look back and read.

  2. Wow! Look at that little tanker! He is so adorable.

  3. He sounds and looks so fun!! I do wish time could pause also, especially the time after newborn stage and before walking desruction stage. lol that would be nice. a cute little baby that sits and laughs and is happy.

  4. my 5 month old is already in 18 month clothing...ok not quite, but basically.
    Love him.
    I also love how happy Emma looks to be going to preschool. And I laughed at last years attempt. Not because it was funny, yeah it was actually really funny. "punched a fellow citizen in the stomach."
    I love that little reading seat in the background. The teal one.


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