
PROJECT: craft

This past Saturday I was able to attend PROJECT: craft.
boy do I wish it was every night.
Danyelle and Lindsay did an AMAZING job.
They spared nothing.
Every detail was accounted for.
Jenn hosted it over at Greenies and the atmosphere was perfect.
And of course, I didn't take any pictures of the night since I was busy crafting...or sewing :)
We were spoiled with goodies for the eye and the belly. 
We were all given a fun little project to work on, a craft kit, if you will.
YUMMY cookies were made from the Breadman's Wife
There were giveaways and I won a beautiful bag by Harper Road!!
We also got a Creative Mix by the Passionista.  I am loving it.  I bring it with me everywhere.
Freshly Picked supplied everyone with a wallet.
ANd not to mention everyone who came, it was fun to meet some new crafty ladies.
Oh it was the best night ever. 
Thank you again ladies!

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1 comment:

  1. I've been waiting for you to post about this!
    Sounds like you had a fab time! So happy for you...and jealous!:)
    Cute. cute CUTE!


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