
this week's installment.

another weekend, another adventure....
i'm getting sick of roadtrips for some reason.

A week after we ventured central WA, we headed to NW OR.  We actually first went to Eastern WA for a Ward campout on Friday.  Lots of fun for the kids and to be able to get to know more of the "ward family"
We then packed up Saturday morning and went straight south to NW OR to a town called Enterprise.
It's a lovely little town.  Seriously.
Even weeks later, I couldn't get it out of my head....but we get to that another time.
We explored the town and visited with a dentist in the area.  We hit the local scene at their 1 of 2 mexican restaurants.  We then hit the hay pretty early...
Next day, we went to church and met some wonderful people.
We then traveled south 5 miles to Joseph, OR. 
Wonderful little town too! 
Reminds me of Park City, UT.
We visited the Lake there.  SO BEAUTIFUL.
being the "great" mother that I was, I didn't pack extra pants so the girls had to wear their pajama pants...lovely.

We met the Lake Sheriff. 
He was really nice and talked to us about the area. 
He gave the girls coupons to DQ for free ice cream cone.  Definitely a high point for them.
They stock the river and lake with fish...lots of FISH.  I could probably catch one, that's how many fish they have.
The deer are very friendly here too!
Another wonderful destination!  I am loving it  up here :)


  1. wow that looks fun to have so many wonderful things around and that you guys are able to get out. Good luck with the whole buying a practice!!! That is so exciting.

  2. We can't wait to settle over there!! The NW is just perfect. :)

    Good luck with everything!

  3. Oh my heck! I can't believe that deer is touching her hand. The town looks beautiful!

  4. Wow! are you thinking of buying a practice somewhere around there?? I can't wait to hear more!
    I am loving how beautiful it is up there! Way to get out and explore!

  5. It's so pretty up there! I'm sure i would love to live there.

  6. It looks so awesome up there! How fun to get to live there and explore!

  7. I love washingston state. it's so beautiful! UR lucky you get to settle there!


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