
let's hear it for the boy.

It's here!
He's here!
The day has now come and gone...details on that tomorrow...maybe.
But I had to post pics of the birthday boy in all his adorable-ness
22.10 lbs (50%)
33 inches (95%)
(my bets is he'll be a football player or basketball player...either one  will be fine as long as he's the star ;) )
 He likes: most foods ALL. THE. TIME. vacuums (especially when they are on...i'll post on that later), throwing, kicking and picking up balls, baths, eating, running out the door, climbing up and down the stairs, opening and closing trunks, cabinents & drawers, to be held, his 16x16 blanket, anything silky, his binky, being outside, loud noises, peekaboo, pushing strollers around, his parents very much.  his sisters very much too.

 He doesn't like:
food with weird textures, not letting him go outside, taking a nap when he's not tired, falling on his head, not being picked up by mom or dad.
 Even though I said having three kids was hard, it was totally worth it.

 Would do it in a heartbeat.

this adorable trunk was $6 at a local thrift store.  Toys were antique store finds for only a few dollars each.


  1. Happy Birthday baby Luke! You are a cutie. And Lyssa... congrats on making it through the first year with 3 kids! =) I'm hoping to be ready for a third one of these days! haha

  2. oh, is he a sweet boy, or what?!
    loving all these posts you've been doing, lyssa!
    cute cute cute.

  3. Well he looks like a very healthy, and happy you've done a great job being a mother of 3! I just love him. I wish I could see him on a weekly, if not daily basis=)
    I love all your vintage shopping, looks like you're finding some fun stuff!

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUKE!!! He is so tall! Just keep poppin them out since all of your kids are so gorgeous. GREAT PICS!!! love them!!! love you

  5. What a CUTE baby!! Great pictures! What an odd boy though...he doesn't like falling on his head? :) That made me laugh when I read it, I love your humor in your posts! You're a great mom! Hope he had a perfect birthday, the 1st birthdays are so fun!

  6. So stinkin cute! your kids all have such a great smile. Love all the "props" It's kinda funny cuz Saige is only one pound less than him in weight and she's 6 months old. lol I'm sure she'll slow down in weight gain here pretty soon. Did he get to eat his cake yet? We'd better get to see pics of that, I'm sure he'll go crazy.


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