
proud proud day.

it was a day like any other day. 
it started off normal....
-luke wakes me up at the crack of dawn,
-nurse and snuggle in bed for as long as he will let me
-head down stairs, trying not to wake the girls but within minutes, they are awake too
-put on a movie to watch (we don't have cable...oh how I miss you PBS)
-dump some cheerios in a bowl, milk in some sippy's and serve breakfast

but that day, luke was feeling particularly adventurous.
he defeated the zebra.
 he usually plays to the side of it but no, not today.

 basking in the sunlight...and his victory?  hmmm?
 he's not going to sugarcoat it though, it was tough.
 but come on!  It's luke!  he can do anything.


  1. What a cute little man. I love it when they hit such fun milestones. He really does look pleased with himself doesn’t he?

  2. that's awesome! he does have a pretty happy face riding that zebra.


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