

Most of you don't know this but we are in limbo.  My family and I have been inbetween "somewhere" for the past 4 months now.  It's very frustrating.  We've been looking for a new job that whole time.  Every chance we get, we hit the road.  We currently reside in SE WA so we've traveled all over WA and OR, been down to UT and CO. 
Every weekend, "I ask my husband, where to this weekend?"
My suitcases have started to fall apart.  The kids don't help with that either!
So i've been in search of a new suitcase and I think I might have found what i'm looking for. 

There are so many cute ones out there!
I hope I get some new ones for Christmas.

But it's not to say that it's been in vain. 
I"ve seen so  many wonderful things. 
And USA is just beautiful anywhere you go!

And it's been a wild ride but it will not be missed!
things are finally turning around....
News to come...

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