
thankful for a fab family picture.

monday morning, we met with Lee Ann at a local orchard.
the night before, we got some snow...lots of snow...5 inches of snow.
so when I woke up and saw the snow and overcast, i was excited & hopeful...and brave!
here's a peek at our experience.

when she posted this on FB, I was elated, speechless and just completely grateful.
we don't get too many opportunities like this.
we don't take good family pictures.
i was just so worried...look there to see what i'm talking about....
but to know now that we can, relieves so much in my mind.

gosh, i love my family so much.


    all around, so cute!
    and, Lyssa, you look AWESOME! Mother of three? NO WAY! :)
    I love how it turned out.
    only question, were you FREEZING? too funny.

    Good work! LOVE it!

  2. This picture is SO cute! I love it! congrats on the new job!!

  3. That turned out perfect!!! You did such a good job with the clothes and the snow is awesome!!!

  4. I am seriously in love with this picture. I can't wait to see the rest. I went to Lee Ann's FB page and saw that she knows my friend Leilani, my SIL Yinelli, and my cousin's wife Breanna!
    What a small world.

  5. fab family pics??? fab??? no. awesome. tremendous. perfect. gorgeous. beautiful. oh my!!!!!!!!!

    i love them and i love you and my little nieces and nephew. ahhhhh!


  6. Hey Lyssa ... I know I don't ever comment but I had to tell you that I love this picture of your family! Seriously, it is so pretty and you look beautiful! Such a great picture and the snow is awesome! Great work :)

  7. They are so perfect!!! You better get a nice big one printed up!!! (costco canvas prints!!!) LLLLOVE IT!!!

  8. This picture is AWESOME!!! Love the outfits.

  9. Goooooooooooooorgeous! I want snow photos next year! We had ours taken a few weeks ago...i thought I'd died and gone to hell

  10. You have a beautiful family! What do you mean you don't take good family photo's? Every photo I have seen of you guys is beautiful. It's not possible to have a bad photo when the subject matter is so cute.
    But I will admit, this one takes the cake.
    Love the snow.


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