
Thankful Thursdays Linky Party

It's been a week already!! Here's a new week for the Thankful Thursdays Linky Party

Rules are you can link up ANYTHING you are thankful for.
Whether it's a project you finished up, a recipe you made or your wonderful family...
I want it all!
One rule is to add the button to your post so others can join in too!

I appreciate everyone who has been playing along too!
These things are always hard to get rolling but I think it fun.
And it reminds me on a weekly basis of what I have been given.
And I have been given so much.
I am so very blessed and so very thankful!

Today, & this week, I am thankful that the time is now at hand! We pack up our trunk in 2 days and move to our new home! I am very excited for it to be here finally. My house is a chaotic mess right now but we are almost done packing everything and then we'll start cleaning...actually I should say that I am grateful for my husband who is cleaning the shower door right now! What a trooper!

I am also thankful for friends that I have met during this short time here here in the Tri-Cities. What a wonderful group of ladies! I will miss them! But luckily I will be only 2 hours away!

So this week, what are you thankful for?
Show me!

Link up anything that you want that shows graditude, whether it's a recipe that was awesome or you painted some furniture or you made a scrapbook page...anything!

I would love to see it.

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