
Thankful Thursdays Linky Party

It's been a week already!! Here's a new week for the Thankful Thursdays Linky Party

Rules are you can link up ANYTHING you are thankful for.
Whether it's a project you finished up, a recipe you made or your wonderful family...
I want it all!
One rule is to add the button to your post so others can join in too!

This week, I am thankful for new housing opportunities we found! We'll be moving in just a few weeks to a small town in WA. Rentals are really rare. I posted on CL asking if anyone has a 3+ home they were going to rent out because we needed the space! And a few days ago, I received an email from someone with a 4 bedroom home! It was nothing short of a miracle. And with that, I am thankful for my Heavenly Father who watches over my little family, who knows what we need. He is very aware of us and I know that He loves my family and I.
So come join the Thankful Thursdays Linky Party!
Please No Shops or GIveaways!

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