
anyone else scared?

wow. i sure am. this is my big project that i am "working" on.
I am finally done with the majority of moving in except this room. This is suppos-ed craft room. which explains why i haven't made or donw anything for a while...and speaking of, I am considering changing my blog to a new name...more to come about that.

Anyone else have scary projects like this that you don't know where to start?
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1 comment:

  1. I don't have a "craft room" yet because I'm living in a three room apartment on-campus at my university...and by two rooms...I mean a den with the kitchen attached, a bedroom, and a bathroom haha! So yes, I ALWAYS have a good stack of crafts and sewing projects going on by my desk in my bedroom because I have no where to hide the stack! haha! :)

    I saw your tutorial today at Mandipidy! I love the magnetic board! I just might have to make one to go by my desk!! :) (Maybe help me organize all my papers, huh? :) )


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