
christmas break.

making cookies.

 Christmas Eve, we went to Leavenworth and watched a Life Nativity then walked around the main street.
the lights were wonderful.

 our topless christmas tree.  it was free, had one singular stick that was crocked so for our star to work we had to trim it...and then our star broke so we ended up with nothing.  But it was free so no biggie.
 my wonderful wood stove and milk and crumbs.
 note from santa:  Dear Emma & Kate,  Thank you for the yummy cookies, donuts and milk.  ps- I left a surprise for you downstairs under the purple blanket.  It was too big to put under the tree.  -Santa
 Christmas morning.

My SAD attempt to make cake pops.  prrrrrobbably won't make these again.  Too long, too probably didn't help they made me kind of sick after eating them...they are tainted.

the week after christmas was a bad blur.  me and kids got sick with some bad chest colds.  plus I got a nasty NASTY flu for a couple of days. Those two combined are horrible.  Try to cough with your whole body aches.  i dare you.
that week, I maybe ate a couple bowls of soup.
my body took a toll from that.  I look in the mirror and can see how sickly I look from it.  It was nice for January to come.


  1. Love the wood burning stove! I love old antiquish things like that. I hope you are enjoying your new place and new adventures. Your kiddos are as cute as ever.

  2. I'm glad to see some new pictures from your new home. I'll have to admit that I am pretty jealous that you are still getting to enjoy the beauty of Washington. Texas isn't a bad place but it is certainly not beautiful! I hope that our paths will cross again sometime in the future. Can't wait to see more posts from Cashmere!

  3. love that you are alive and glad that you are settled in! we miss you very much but know your adventures will be worth it!!!


  4. Sorry you were sick! That's one of my least favorite traditions of the holidays too . . . every year it seems like we get the flu or a cold or somthing.
    Thanks for the heads up on the cake pops. I've had my eye on them for awhile, but I've always wondered if they were too much work and not enough pay-off.

  5. THe week between Christmas and New Year we got some kind of bug too. Twas the season this year I guess.

    I like your tree. It has character!

  6. K, love that pic of emma & kate all wet and probably cold but with the biggest grins you've ever seen.
    Also Bryn was begging for a big doll house like the ones your girls got. I know you are a deal finder. How much did you pay for yours? I wasn't willing to pay full price and couldn't find one on craigslist.


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