
frump-be-gone kind of year & SexyModest Boutique Giveaway

so i am in the frump season.
do you know what I am talking about?
when you kind of let yourself just go, wear super comfy clothes, let your hair grow long so it's easily accessible for a bun, sneakers for shoes etc etc ETC.
plus, it doesn't help that it is cold outside so i want to stay inside all the time and just be lazy.
as a mom of 3, and just recently moved to a new town, I have to keep up with life.
and seeing how my husband has a very important job in a small town, people will see me and judge me.
it's just part of life.
i am now a "dentist's wife" and i feel that I should look some what presentable, right?
I mean, I can't look sloppy.
it affects my familiy and my husband.
as bad as that sounds, it's just human nature and it's very true.
so first things first is a new hair do...which is what?
I will probably kill myself for posting this pic but here's a pic of me in short hair about 3 1/2 years ago.
i should mention this what right after having Kate, thus the weirdly-shaped chest...
here's me now with long hair...

i hate getting my hair cut because I never know what will look good and managable as a mom of 3 small kids.
luckily though, I got a GC for $50 to a salon so that will take care of that.
So what do you think?  Long or Short?

next is wardrobe.
that is tricky too.
i am in limbo people.
I am too old to dress "hip" and "young" but also am too young to dress "old" and "sophisticated"
so I am trying to find myself again.
so i am always looking for a great place for clothes for a super awesome deal.
and i have some very good news!
especially those who are in UT....

Anyone heard of it?!
It's located here:
739 W 180 N

American Fork, UT, 84003

well don't freak out but everything is under $50....
YES, you heard or read that right.
Everything is Under $50.
shirts, pants, shoes, bags, jewelry,
you name it, they got it under $50

and what's great about them too is that you can order stuff from their Facebook page.
So people like me, out of staters, can get in on the action!

Ok so I have to tell you about what they are doing right now.
They are giving me a $25 gift certificate to give to one of you.
Yep, do you want to win $25 to their boutique?
I promise you do.  Look at what they have in store:

They have TONS more in store!

So what do you need to do to get $25?!

1) Head on over to their Facebook Page and "Become a Fan" (which won't be hard!) then post their SexyModest Boutique Video Link (  ) on your Personal FB wall.
2) Then post on the SexyModest Facebook wall:
"I shared SexyModest Boutique thanks to The Crafty Clique!

That's it! (it shouldn't take you more than a few clicks to do it all!)

Extra entries:
1) Suggest their FB page to others on FB
2) Follow me here :)
3) Follow me on Twitter :)

Once you do that, leave me a comment here, letting me know!

This contest will go for 2 weeks!!

I will then pick a winner :)

Start writing out your wish list!


  1. done and done so it had better be me!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I did it. I need clothes!

  3. Done. I also became a new blog and twitter follower (don't know why I wasn't one before)

  4. I left the comment on their FB page!

  5. So what did you do to your hair? I actually like it shorter :) I just had about 8 inches cut and I feel so different and free, lol!


I love comments ;) Please share your thoughts!