
house to a home.

It's been almost a month since we moved to out new abode in the center of WA state. This would be a picture of our home. We are renting right now as we are getting this settled down with Joe's work. Once we know things will work out, then we'll probably make things more permanent with a home or something...we are definitely hoping that is the case because I am really sick of moving.

Right now, I am finally unloading the last few boxes...this is the first time I am not pregnant, or have a newborn with a move.
I am excited to get a new start, a new beginning for me and my family.

I will be posting pics soon of my walls and things finally getting organized! I love having a new clean slate to work with. It is kind of overwhelming though too. You want to make it perfect, make it look cute and crafty. And I am finding that I am a perfectionist, which is really annoying. I need to just get comfortable with who I am and what I like, and not worry about what others may say....sigh...I am definitely trying to find MYSELF.

Once the walls are done, my next project is the craft room...and once that is done, I can start doing some stuff again :)

Don't forget about the great giveaway I have going on for SexyModest Boutique!
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