
pay it forward.

i did this on FB already but I figured if I am already making handmade gifts, why not do a big batch of them?!
So what does this mean?

"I promise to send something handmade

to the first 3 people who leave a comment here.

To be eligible, you must also post this in your blog,

offering the same thing to 3 other people.

The rules are that it must be handmade by you and it

must be sent to your 3 people *sometime* in 2011."

Happy Creating!

PS:  I just joined the Facebook Wagon!  PLease come join me!  Here.


  1. I love this idea!!!! I will also add to my blog :)

  2. I saw this on FB, I loved the idea but I felt wierd doing it. I never thought about doing it on my blog. You're a genius!

    I'll be posting about it soon. Thanks for the inspiration! :)

  3. I think this is great. I can't wait to post this.

  4. Thanks ladies! I am so honored that you signed up. Whit, I will need to contact you and I don't know how :( Email me:

  5. this is such a great idea.. i also did this on facebook, but had the first 5 people.. and so now im in the process of making something for my first person.. great idea!!!


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