
i got in a fight with a lawn mower...

ok soooooooo.....
a few things I've learned from this..
-take serious advice seriously.
-research your options and listen to recommendations
-don't rush it
-hair DOES grow back
-find a friend who will fix your hair and make it look fabulous.

So yesterday, Joe's day off, I went to town to cut my hair.
Oh, how did I find the salon?  
I called around all the salons and the first one that answered and had an opening, that's who I went with...very very stupid.

So i'll spare the details of the experience but when I came home, this is what my hair looked like:

 Don't you love my face in this?  it was reflection of what was both inside and outside...

Today, I attempted to fix it no avail.

So I emailed a friend here in the ward, Noelle aka, the saint, and I went over there tonight and she fixed it right up.  I LOVE how it looks now:

I love this a-line haircut.  
What took me so long to cut it like this?


  1. Oh my that first hair cut is horrible! At least you had enough left to save it! The second one? Adorable! Have fun with short hair

  2. A-lines are my favorite!! So cute!! I have gone to the salon many a times seeking an a-line and have come home just like you with just a straight cut and have had to fix it. Looks great Lyssa!!

  3. I love it! You look so sophisticated. It really looks great on you!

  4. LOVE it!! So very very much! I'm so glad you got it the way you want it. It's amazing what a great haircut can do to your confidence, eh? You look smashing!

  5. Lyssa it looks SO good!!!! I love your hair. It is seriously the WORST when it gets butchered. My step-mom did that to me once and I cried for like 2 days until I had it fixed.

  6. It looks so cute, I'm glad you found someone who could fix it for you!

  7. You look super cute! Sorry you had to deal with the bad cut, but at least you were able to find an awesome stylist to fix it!

  8. Lyssa it looks so good!! I got my hair cut months ago pretty short then decided I needed a trim. I don't know what happened but I went at it with the scissors. Needless to say I wear it in a ponytail every day and can't wait for it to get long again lol! How fun are haircuts!! I love the A-line on you it looks great!

  9. Your new hair really is super cute! I love that cut, and I love the way it grows out...

    what did take you so long!?

  10. I love the new cut! I have had similar horror stories with getting my hair cut. I can sympathies!

  11. I love your new haircut! Very cute and stylish! I hope you are enjoying your new place!

  12. AHHH You look fabulous! short hair is soo fun!

    I have had my share of bad haircuts too! it sucks!

  13. :) I didn't know the whole story about your hair!! I LOVE the second picture with you holding the camera above your head. I'm so sorry that happned, I had no idea. Noelle did a fabulous job fixing it by the way ;) i have a similar story as well, they are great learning experiences!


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