

seeing how this blog is fairly new, I thought introductions were in order.
I would LOVE to get to know you readers too!
Please leave me a comment, telling me about yourself :)

I was previously over at The Crafty Clique.  It originally started as a group to post tutorials of things being made at the monthly craft night over in San Antonio.  I wanted to still be apart of it when I moved to Vegas.  But it had dwindled until it was me and only me.  
So I needed a new space.  
Some of you might have picked up that after baby #3 came along, i've been struggling to find time to create.  I used to create much more than this past year.  I used to scrapbook like crazy!  and I miss it!
So I am anxiously engaged in finding that time again and scraping. 
So welcome!  Glad that you could join me in my attempts to find my crafty self again!

I stay at home with my 3 wonderfully mischevious children.
To stay afloat, I started taking some manditory "me" time.  It's been seven years now and i've just about dabbled in all sorts of crafts.  My favorites at the moment are furniture redos, sewing, scrapbooking and thrifty finds.  I try to also do the absolute cheapest route possible.

I currently reside in the NW in a rental, so my desire to remodel is on the backburner until we own a house...

I hope you enjoy what I conjure up on here! 


  1. Hi, my name is Dawn (would you believe I typed in mom first-lol) I have 5 kids-4 girls and a boy and am also having trouble finding time to craft! I've been busy lately with sports-I have 3 playing basketball and 1 is on 2 teams. Then we move into spring soccer, lacrosse and softball! I stay home with the kids too.

  2. Love love love the new do!!!! So fresh and stylish! Glad you went with short because it looks great on you.

  3. Hello to you too! I'm a new follower, I hope you'll follow me back ( looks like you have some fun stuff on here so far. Anyway @ me -- I am Amy, married (4 years), with no little ones, I work at a scrapbooking and home decor company so I have PLENTY of supplies, just never enough time!

  4. Hi Lyssa!
    I'm stopping by from the blog hop! I'm your newest follower and look forward to what you have to share!
    I'm a sahm home-schooling MOM (mom of many lol). They are rapidly leaving the nest, and so I am filling some of that time with crafts and projects...Please stop by and help me clebrte my first "blogiversary" next week. I've got some giveaways and printables to share!
    Have a wonderful weekend!


I love comments ;) Please share your thoughts!