
struggles makes up stronger...right?

I am not even going to try to be suave about my life right now. 
It's difficult.
Some of you already know from Facebook that I am dealing with Kate's night waking.  She likes to wake up 1-2 times a night, crying that she needs to go potty.
So i've been working really hard to make sure she can do everything by herself.  No helping with wiping pee pee, or washing hands.  She needs to do this by herself, right?
She used to not do this.  But I know it's because of the move and all the changes we are going through.  So I just need to be patient with it.  It's just hard not getting a full night's sleep.

So with that, I need to go to bed earlier, right?
sigh, that would be so nice right?
Nights are tricky for me since it's MY time away from little hands, whinings, crying and wiping snotty noses.
So i want to indulge in it.  So it gets really difficult to cut it short and go to bed.
And another thing.
In the morning, due to my staying-up-late choice, it's really hard to get up. 
the kids have been sleeping til about 7:45 am. 
They've always been my alarm clocks.
Yet with Emma having preschool at 8:30 AM, I now have to get up BEFORE they wake up.
Talk about HARD.
What has happened to me?!
Seriously, I miss having a nursing baby.  I would be up by 7 to take on the day.
Now I am struggling at 8 am.
I need to pump up my self-disipline!
So i am at an unfamiliar crossroads.
It's time to be an adult Lyssa.
Being a mom of 3, it's about time you wake up, get ready or get things done before they wake up.
Let's be that mom that is happy, chipper, DRESSED (maybe even showered....but let's not get too carried away)
Because i want to be that mom.  really, I do.  It's just HARD to change habits, you know?
Joe's been advacating this movement for a while, especially the going to bed early one, because he does usually and hates to go to bed alone.
and now he has to be at work by 7, which means he sets the alarm by 5:15, those mornings and days do a dozy on me!

So I need to step up my game.  I need to make goals and stick with them.
These goals are meaningful and important for me and my family.

Okay, onto another topic:
What do you do when you want to cut your hair SHORT so it's easy to manage but you know your husband prefers long hair.

I just want a change, a big drastic one that I am not used to.
This second is just too close to what I ususally do.
I hate that I am stuck in a "comfortable 2002" hair style.
I need to break out.


  1. I'm sorry things are rough. You do an amazing job at juggling everything. Seriously. Hang in there.

    When it comes to hair, go for it. If you're too wary of a crop style, I suggest getting it cut between your chin and shoulders. If you feel a bit more brave, have it hit your jawline. I LOVE having short hair and it doesn't take me nearly as long to get ready. One key reason is my stylist. I would highly recommend investing in a good stylist instead of Super Cuts. Make sure they know your goals for your hair. Mine were 1) easy to style/maintain and 2) stylish, not screaming "mom hair." And have them teach you how to do your hair, too. It's no good looking cute on cut-day and lousy til the next cut. I could go on. Anyway, good luck! Call me if you need it!

  2. I like the short cuts, but maybe you could do something in between like a cute bob... remember when we cut our hair short in rexburg? it was so cute on you!!
    Hope things get better with the sleeping situation...

  3. Chop it all off! It will grow back and Joe will get use to it. It is amazing how a short hair cut can spicy up your life and give you an attitude.

    Your mornings sound very familiar to me. Almost exactly like mine!

  4. So the midnight potty calls might end right? Once her UTI is cleared up? I'll be praying that's the case. For the entire family:) I would have a hard time waking up before my kids too. I just don't feel the need at this point, but I know my time will come soon.
    And I'm the same way with nights, I like to get some alone time in...and usually it's far too late by the time I head to bed (for the second time...bc my husband doesn't like to go to bed alone either, I mean...who really does?)

  5. I hope you can figure out the whole Kate thing. No fun at all! I so feel the same as you, that I need to put on my mom pants and get on a better schedual. I stay up way to late and get up late too. Good luck getting in a better habit! You can do it! Can't wait to see what you do with your hair. I'm sure it will look cute though.

  6. I'm excited to see what you decided to do with your hair today!!!

    Okay, would you ever give Kate benedryl @ night? My doc. told us to do that for 3-4 nights to get H out of his bad habits and sleeping again.

    Have you ever taken Melatonin? It's a herbal supplement, I know most people take it, but if you haven't you should give it a try. It helps with sleep AND lots of people (myself included) think it helps take a titch of the harsh wake up edge off!

  7. I've been trying to figure out what to do with my hair too. Decisions decisions. I have never seen you with short hair like that first pic. It might be fun for a change! You'll have to post what you end up with :)
    And good luck with the sleep situation. I'm with ya... it stinks having to wake up early!

  8. okay, so I saw on facebook that you CUT your hair?! Typically, if I am antsy for a cut, I take drastic measure ASAP. SO cool that you cut it! How short did you go??
    You'd better post photos RIGHT AWAY. :)
    thanks, that'd be great. :)
    oh, and good luck with the whole sleeping thing---the joys of motherhood... :)

  9. K--so I am right there with you on all this!! Except I am so jealous your kids sleep until 7:45! mine are up by 6:30am and that is usually when I crawl out of bed too. it is so hard! especially getting breakfast on the table and all that. you are amazing though to want to try and get up before and get showered and ready. ha...that happens for me once Amelia goes down for her morning nap and owen is off to school. usually...sometimes it happens ten minutes before matt gets home :)
    anyways, I hear you on this one. it is so hard adjusting to having kids who have to be places. and I suppose it will only get worse once they are in high school!
    p.s. I LOVE your hair!

  10. I agree, it is hard to change habits, but I think of my morning time as "me" time too. "Me" time to work out and take a shower without anyone else around. The house is quiet, and I'm actually awake instead of feeling groggy like I do at the end of the day. I love those few moments in the morning before my kids wake up. It's awesome!

    good luck!!

  11. DUDE! be lucky you get up that time! I get up at 5:45 to get kids ready for school and work, then work 9-5 and work again at home. SUCKS!

    I envy you.


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