
my new home: cashmere.

I feel truly blessed to call Cashmere home.  It has a piece of everything that I wanted.  Small town.  Civilization nearby.  Mountains.  Outdoor wonderland.  Seasons.  Great Schools.  Lots of Young Families with lots of Kids.
I am so grateful for the job opportunity we found.

Here are some pictures from town that I took a few weeks ago.
Joe's office is in this picture below!  Do you see the red brick building down the street?  Next to the small white auto shop?  His office is in there, right downtown, about 2 minutes from home.  I'll be taking a pic of his building once the sign comes up in front!

It's finally setting in that we are staying here...forever?  maybe?  hopefully?
It's a weird feeling.  I'm so used to not getting attached to where we live.  It feels good to finally change my mind set and start planting some roots.

At the same time, it's hard to move to a new place.
It hit me today that I miss having close friends.  I feel alone in this small town.  
It's not surprising since i'm new.  Everyone here had a life before I moved here.  And don't get me wrong, the people here have been great and i've made some wonderful friends that have included me and took me under my wing, watched me kids, brought me dinners.  I couldn't ask for a more generous group of folks.  But i'm talking about good, close, best friends.  It's been awhile since I felt that I had that.  
Sorry if this is sort of a downer but it kind of just hit me today.  Now that i know we are living here, I can finally start having close friends without the fear of moving.  Make sense?
And not only me, but my kids too.  It's nice to know that they are making friends that will be around as they grow.  But again, it's hard to do that too when things were set, friends were made before we moved here.  So it feels we are trying to squeeze our way into these pre-set molds to make good friends.  
And i KNOW these are just my own insecurities in my head, making me feel sad and alone.  Plus the never-ending winter gloom that is ever present, we get stuck inside a lot with not much to do.  

Soon, spring will come, things will warm more ways than one and I won't feel like this.

Phew, that feels much better.  I seriously had to get that off my chest.


  1. It totally makes sense to hear your thoughts---moving is a HUGE high and a HUGE low all at the same time. Exciting to have a grand adventure, especially, knowing this time that you can start to really settle in---but to be plunked down in a totally new environment makes it hard to have friends right away... and LEGIT friendships.
    I think you're totally right, once the weather is better and you'll have been there a little longer, it will all start happening, the friendships, the play dates, etc.

    Until then, good luck!! As long as you are proactive, it's bound to happen sooner than later!

    And, thanks for your kind words about the sleep/potty situation going down at our house. I feel better already b/c of all the great advice! THANK YOU!

    Good luck girl! I loved seeing your new town! AWESOME!

  2. LOVE those pics lyssa! great job!! :)
    what a cute town!

  3. Beautiful pics of the town. It seems like a really beautiful place with character. I love it. I know what you mean by way of friends. It is nice to have friends, and so hard to know that the friends you make you will leave within a few months or a year. We are in that transient stage of life. Good luck moving onto the more permanent phase! You are wonderful!

  4. Love Love Love your pics! Did you take a class? What editing software do you use? It makes me want to move to Cashmere. Glad you are loving the town and so glad you guys found something so perfect for your family.

  5. wow. is there anything that you can't do perfect? no really. must i begin the list???

    love it and this is exactly why i want to move back to VA. i love these little towns....

    ...but mostly. hehehe i wuv you ;)

  6. Love the pictures!!! You must be loving your camera.

  7. Great pics! It is still hard to believe you guys ended up there. If things had gone a little different we could have ended up in Wenatchee as your neighbors. Life is funny! I love seeing the pics of your beautiful new home.

  8. You and that DSLR are MFEO.

    I could have written this post. Minus the part where it's pretty much permanent and I have to care.

    I have about 3 friends. 1 with kids and 1 without...and 1 that's single.

    You're a natural friend, I know they'll see right in to that golden heart of yours. And at some point I'm sure a newbie will move in to the Cashmere click and you will see how much you have really grown in the place.

    But for now, I'm glad you have your kiddlets and your DSLR to keep you company. Can't wait to see the photoshoots that ensue.

  9. Great pictures!
    It looks like a great place to live and soon enough you'll feel like you have lived there for awhile and you'll have great friends.

  10. Cashmere looks beautiful - your pictures are awesome! Good luck in your new town.

  11. I totally agree - the whole "hopefully permanent" thing is a strange feeling. When Jeremy left his program in October and we found a job here in Lubbock, it hit me that we were now permanent - not transient students. Weird.

    Your kids are still darling, by the way!


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