
the craft fair.

**Reminder of the giveaway going on right now!  Headband of choice from FlowerBomb Designs!**

This past Saturday, my friend, Karlye & I hung out at the local craft fair from 9-3.
We were both so excited to create such fun things, in hopes that others would like them too and purchase something!  Well, to be honest, it was slow and not too many customers came by.  So needless to say, we didn't sell as much as we had hoped.
BUT, I haven't had that much fun in a long time!
Us two ladies pretty much laughed the whole time.

Ok so here's the nitty gritty...
Here was our booth:

I made the book puff balls & wreaths, glass magnets, some burp cloths, fabric button earrings, mason jars soap dispensers, taggie blankets & cake stands.
My friend Karlye makes ADORABLE headbands for babies.  She sold way more than I did, that's for sure.  She also made some tutus & adorable fabric flower magnets!  
Karlye & I met through church and I found out she had an Etsy shop, Fancy Schmancy Girl.  So when I heard about the fair, I figured this would be perfect for the two of us.

Don't you just love that tree?!  I took a branch from my back yard. I stuck it in my broken stool that was outside, waiting for it's fate.  Then it just came to me as a way to hang my balls!

Here are some earrings close-up:

Darling magnets!

Here are Karlye's headbands & hair clips.

Here's one of many favorites of Karlye's work.  I love the feathers!

So although business was slow, it was still lots of fun!
We also found out they have another one around Christmas time that is supposed to be huge so we'll be there for sure!
If you see anything in these pics you like, let me know!  
We both have plenty of items for sale!

And I mentioned before that I was considering opening up an online store...I just need to figure out a name!  I would love ideas :)


  1. Love the book balls hanging from the tree. Nice effect!

  2. My favorites are also the book or page balls. I think you did a great job of displaying items. Mark this down as a learning experience. You had a fun day and that is valuable.

  3. Your booth is adorable! Not sure why you didn't sell more. :) Those little book poofs are darling.

  4. everything looks great! I love craft fairs.


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