
chevron growth chart.

I've been so excited to show you guys what I did over the weekend!
I was brainstorming on a gift to do for a 1 year old and thought this would be perfect.
and it doesn't hurt that i made this for free!

I had all the supplies on hand.  I even found that piece of wood out of a "free wood" pile in town.

it's your lucky day because i'm going to show you how I made it :)

I started with a piece of wood, sanded down and ready to be painted.

I used "Smoke Gray" by Krylon.

Next I took an old Cricut cutting mat and taped on a chevron patterned that I got HERE.

I used my pink box cutter and cut out the design.  I initially was going to cut out lots of rows but that sucker was a big fat pain to cut so I stuck with 1 row.

I then placed it on the board and sprayed some "White Primer" by Krylon on it.

I just eye balled it down the board until I covered the whole thing.

Of course, it started raining while I was doing this so I brought it inside to let it dry...

Next stage was cutting out numbers and marks for each inch.  I used my eCraft to cut them out.  You can see the demo I posted a few days ago on how I did that HERE.

I used a ruler to measure and mark the inch marks.

I started the ruler at 1 1/2 feet.  Wasn't sure how tall her son was but thought that would be a safe #.
I used good ol' Modge Podge & added the feet markers like so:

Then I cut up more tick marks for the other inches.

I just started putting them on my marks.

And Walla!  I love how it turned out.  I am loving chevron.  So hot right now...

My friend loved it, which made it all worth it.

Here it is, all wrapped and ready to go.  
haa haa I  used normal lined paper as wrapping for the ease of it since this is an awkward shape. 
Ironically, I love how that looked :)

I think more of these are in the works for my own kids now!
I'm linking up HERE!

Thirty Hand Made Days


  1. Well this is super cute! I love the detailed tutorial also. Thanks!

  2. Great job! Such an intricate job, thanks for linking it up!!

  3. this is amazing...i will have to try it :)

  4. LOL - Love this, but what came to mind was a conversation I had w/ my hubby. We were discussing how many people "shrink" as they get older (he's 58, I'm 50) and that to document this, I needed to make a "Shrink Chart". Well, now I have the perfect inspiration! Thanks!

  5. You are a girl of my own heart just doing one line of chevron for a stencil and repeating it. Love the color combo! Thanks for linking up with DIY under $5!

  6. That is so adorable and what a very thoughtful gift! Makes me want to go and try this myself. :-)
    Thank you so much for sharing this with us at Inspiration Friday this week!
    P.S. I just now realized that we had never clicked to follow you! Yikes! You have been so sweet linking up each week and we sure do appreciate it and we are followin' fools now! :-)

  7. This is such a great gift! The chevron pattern goes so well with the gray/yellow. Love it!

    Thanks for sharing with Sweets This Week!


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