
circus gratti

Cashmere is more on the map than I thought.  This huge circus came to town in April so of course we had to go.  Circus Gratti was enjoyable and the kids loved it.
They had elephants you could ride.

The girls wanted to ride it but as we approached, Kate changed her mind but Emma was very excited to ride it.

See that crazy looking girl?  That's me.  The clown was looking for a volunteer. The idiot that I am, thought he was looking for kids so I started shouting so one of mine could go up.  Nope, he grabbed me instead.  I had rings thrown at me...

And then I threw some at him.  Kind of nervous on this one because i'm the worlds worst frisbee player but it actually went well and I threw it off maybe a couple times...cough..

Some elephants doing tricks

And we're done.  Well, they actually had tightrope walkers and trapeze artists and stuff like that.  It was a fun little adventure for us in the middle of nowhere.


  1. That does look fun! Hey, who knew Cashmere was so popular. I don't blame Kate for not wanting to ride the elephant. I wouldn't either!! Love that you were the volunteer. :-)

  2. I have always thought it would be fun to ride an elephant! What a lucky girl.

  3. How fun. I have heard of that circus. Maybe we will actually go sometime.

  4. It looks like there is a lot of fun activities in your area. I used to love the circus when I was a kid and still remember getting to ride an elephant. We were in Washington this last week and it was nice to soak up some beauty before heading back to Texas!

  5. I remember going to the circus when I was Emma's age. I thought it was so cool! Way to go Lyssa for the being the charming circus assistant!


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