
scrapbook sundays #8.

So hope you guys had a lovely weekend!
I had a great one with friends and family.
I guess nothing spectacular but I was able to start running more aggressively this week.
My family went over to Lake Wenatchee & Fish Lake today to check out the beauty of the Cascade Mountains.  

So yes, great week! :)

Here's another peek at my archives.  These were made for friends who were having baby boys.
Back in TX, when my Hubs was doing dental school, all the wives kept having babies so cards and gifts kept me busy!

Thanks for stopping by!

I'm linking up to THESE parties!

Alrighty, your turn!
Link up anything scrapbooking related!

Please grab a button and add it to your post or blog.
If you have a feature button or link, i'll feature you!


  1. New follower! Can't wait to check out your blog...Wish I had something to link up....I'm kinda addicted to Linky parties:-)

  2. I love them and I LOVE your header, it explains exactly how I feel only I'm on baby #4! So glad I found your blog ;)

  3. I found these cute cards through sumo's sweet stuff linky party. I voted. Love your blog I have been reading for a while now. You are super cute. Come say hi

  4. Those are SUPER cute! I love these cards. I have some pages that I need to blog about. Thanks for sharing over at Tuesday Tell All.


  5. Cute card!
    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  6. That top card is SOOO cute. I'm terrible at cards and never want to give away any that actually look cute because of all the effort they take. I want to set them up and display them in all their beauty. Great job!

  7. Very cute card! Nice job. thanks for linking this up to our wicked awesome wednesday blog party.

  8. everything is so cute! i wish i was good at scrapbooking lol :)

    Thanks for linking up to Your Whims Wednesday!


I love comments ;) Please share your thoughts!