
thrifty thursdays #10

What a week.  I am very excited about today!  Got lots of fun stuff to show you :)
But let's show off some of your stuff!

Extraordinary moments in Ordinary life found this adorable cabinet!

Faith Hope Love found and redid this adorable desk!  So jealous...

A Life Unrehearsed found these vintage trays and cupcake tray.  I love the colors!

Always come Home finished her Vintage Sheet know what I sucker I am for vintage sheets!

Thanks ladies for linking up and playing along! 
I love your style!
Grab yourself a button :)

Ok, like I said before, I found THE BEST yard sale ever.
By Saturday Afternoon, she made everything free!  But I did visit her sale before and got some items, but they were still killer deals!  
Here let me just show you...and please don't hate me for finding such great deals ;)

This screen was $3 & the spool holder was $1.  The lady told me the spool holder was handmade by an older couple.  Lots of history.  I love it!

The oval mirror was $1 and the side table was $5!

Shutter and Full Head & foot board was FREE..yep, FREE

All these pictured before was FREE

Even this Chandelier was FREE

And this was my surprise find a few weeks ago that I kept forgetting to take a picture of!
Double Jogging stroller for only $50!  These things are cheap you know!

Seriously, can you imagine if every weekend were like that?!

I'm linking to THESE parties!

Now the fun part!
Link up any thrifty finds, redos, antiques, or just anything thrifty!

Please grab a button and add it to the post or blog so that others can follow along too!
Link specific posts and not the main blog :)
I'll pick a few to feature who have a button or link back next week!


  1. How exciting to find such a wonderful yard sale and to end up with so many lovely things for FREE! That makes them all the more lovely, doesn't it? I really like the spool holder and the history is really neat too. Great finds!

  2. U found some amazing things.. love the spool holder.. wud love me one of those!

  3. I'm a new follower ~ I'll have to link up once I get your info onto my linky lists! Lovin' your style sista!

  4. Wow everyone had such great luck! Love that blue telephone table you found. Hope to have something to link up soon! Have a great weekend Lyssa!

  5. Oh my goodness, it was so hard not to hate you while I looked at those pictures . . . amazing thrifty finds! (Don't worry, I still love you . . . I'm just wildly jealous ;-)

    Rachel @ Maybe Matilda

  6. Some people have all the luck and by some I mean...YOU!
    Great stuff. Thanks for sharing @ THT.

  7. Jackpot for you!!! Isn't it funny how you/we get even more excited over sales on thrifty items...ha, ha!!! But free is ALWAYS best!

  8. Wow! You found some AMAZING things!! I can't wait to see what you do with them! :)

    And thanks so much for the feature! I loved working on that desk!

  9. Great finds and even better prices. I don't think I have ever seen a double jogging stroller. Besides being a bargain you had to be in the right place at the right time. Same goes for freebie bargains.


I love comments ;) Please share your thoughts!