
tidy-up tuesdays: kids creative spaces

All three of my kids love to draw and color.  They could do it for hours.  That part is great.
The crayons, markers and paper all over the table and floor?  That part is not so great.

So i've been looking around for ideas and inspiration because I need a huge dose of it.  One thing i'm considering is giving each child their own plastic bin, complete with coloring books, a set of crayons, a set of markers, and paint supplies.  Each item would be labeled so there would be no mixing and everything would  have a home.  That's what I want to do.  Until then, these images are fun to look at ;)

this one is awesome

What do you do with your kids art supplies?


  1. More great inspiration!
    What do I do with my kids' art supplies? Borrow them!

  2. That awesome one.... HOW would you EVER get kids to put all of that back away???? I have good kids, but not THAT good!

    Love the adjsut a shelf one... so cute!

  3. I found you from Liz Marie's blog and hopped over here because you have some great ideas.
    I'll be back.

  4. What do I do with my kids' art supplies? I hide them... =). But I think these are wonderful ideas! As soon as I have some space or figure out how to "tetris" a space in my tiny house, I'll have to make a creating space for my kiddos. Thanks!
    P.S. Found you on Liz Marie's blog.


I love comments ;) Please share your thoughts!