
thrifty thursdays #11

What a week!  So glad it's thursday so I can do some "window shopping" from all your links :)

Can you believe that Crafting in my Closet took a sweater she found at DI and turned it into this?!

Garden of Eden made this necklace from an old watch!

I Heart my Glue Gun only got this chair for $3 and look how she transformed it!
You have to see the before!

Always Come Home caught my eye with this stack of VINTAGE SHEETS! 

Thanks ladies for linking up and playing along! 
I love your style!
Grab yourself a button :)

Well this week I was recovering from my past weekend. I call it a thrifty hangover....aka  "my husband is going to kill me if I bring another piece of "garbage" in the house."
My Joe is very supportive of my addiction but he wants something to be done of them, not just collecting in the basement...
know what I mean Vern?

So now I enjoy the fruits of my labor.  I am almost done redo-ing the side table that I got last week!  I will show that as soon as it's done.  Stinky thing happened though, I used a can of "Sweet Cream" by Krylon.  But it needed more.  So I went to Walmart to get a new one...nope, they didn't carry that color!!
So i'm inprovising at the moment.  I am hopeful it'll turn out just fine....(fingers crossed)

Now the fun part!
Link up any thrifty finds, redos, antiques, or just anything thrifty!

Please grab a button and add it to the post or blog so that others can follow along too!
Link specific posts and not the main blog :)
I'll pick a few to feature who have a button or link back next week!


  1. Can't wait to see the table re-do!

    Thanks for hosting the link-up. :)

  2. awww, her dress looks like a little Jane Austen regency gown :) Thanks for the link up!

  3. That watch is just amazing! Thanks so much for hosting, Lyssa!


I love comments ;) Please share your thoughts!