
handmade business cards.

These are fun & easy business cards that will have people talking...
Just pretend I didn't just write that...haa ha I am on QVC or something...
anyways...You don't have to spend a forutne to order some and wait weeks to get some!  
Make  your own business cards!

The night before Bloggy Bootcamp, I realized I didn't have any business cards to pass out to other bloggers and participants.  I knew that it would be a great opportunity to share my blog with others so I got thinking...
I opened up a simple word document and formatted it horizontally so I could fit 12 cards on one sheet and not have to worry about cropping the sides.  Then I got to work.

Next I printed the sheet on a 8 1/2 x 11 white cardstock 

Next I used my trusty sewing machine.  Pick a thread color you want.  I used a salmon color.

I lined it up on my paper and sewed straight down to the bottom.  I did that 3 times on the page.

Next I started cutting out my cards.  First was the columns...

Next was the rows...

And wha-la!

Really digging out these turned out.  I love the "zig-zag" or "chevron" or whatever you want to call it...

To hold them in one place, I used a coin purse I got from Freshly Picked.

And I was ready to go.  What a great day.  

There will be more on Bloggy Bootcamp soon.  Hopefully soon right?  

I want to also show you guys some of my favorite business cards I got too!  

And because of all the great knowledge from it, my blog is under construction.  I've got big plans for it so things might be chaotic around here while I figure stuff out!

I'll be linking HERE.
Today's Creative Blog


  1. Those are super cute! I would never have thought to actually sew them! <3

  2. I LOVE your business cards! Great meeting you Saturday. What a fun (and extremely informative) conference, huh?!

  3. you are one smart cookie. Those are so cute!

  4. I think people will be talking about them! What a great idea! Your cards will definitely stand out.

  5. This is such a neat idea! I've handmade business cards before, but I've never thought about adding other elements, like sewing, into them! Very creative.

  6. That was so clever of you to sew on them! They came out so cute!

  7. CUTE cute cute cute!! love them! You are so darned clever. I have been toying around with the idea of making business cards. But i really don't have a business - so what am I thinking?!! Anway, I love yours :)

  8. I love this idea, and your blog is darling!

  9. What a great idea! Do you have any trouble with the thread coming off?

  10. love how it looks like baseball stitching perfect for summertime

  11. You're so creative, what a great idea!

    Thanks for stopping by to add this to our Wicked Awesome Wednesday party!

  12. Great ideas on your blog! I'm a new follower.

  13. we are your newest fans!

    chach + nell
    the third boob....and other adventures in mommyhood.

  14. What a great idea!! will have to try that for sure!!

  15. LOVE IT! I have made business cards in the past but I never thought about sewing on them. Such a fun idea! I am totally going to have to try it out!

    Rockin' Job Chicka!

    BTDUB I am featurin you on Spunky Junky this morning!


  16. I like the zig-zag! I did something similar for business cards for BlogHer09 because I didn't want to buy ones that would look like all the others so I made mine

  17. Super Cute idea! Love it!
    ps...I love how I stumble on a great blog, I'm your newest follower! :)

    ~Lisa @

  18. Oh wow!!! I wish I'd seen this before I finally broke down and ordered business cards last week!!! You are brilliant and creative and I want you to be my friend!!

  19. Business cards are essential to the business owner who wants to make sure that his name and the name of his company is easily remembered. Networking is extremely popular and you don’t want to miss an opportunity to pass out your card to someone who might become valuable to you in the future.

    Plastic Cards

    Plastic Business Cards

  20. As you may know very well than me these days business card templates are cropping up all over the place. Most people starting such blogs think, they can write anyway and anything on there business card template blogs which is definitely not true. But your blog solely stands out for your writing style, it is actually quite engrossing.

  21. I have been lucky enough to work with a business card sizes and designing team, Dowprinting Creative Group, who are superb brand developers. The process is a bit grueling but certainty worth the time investment.

  22. I just love handmade crafts! Clearly, you have a love for creating and designing business cards, that's why they came out beautiful and inspiring. It is pretty evident that you put your heart into what you do.

    Matthew Engquist

  23. Hand made business card is great idea, i hope it will be cheaper.
    plastic cards
    clear cards

  24. Talha its very difficult to make thousands of similar hand made card
    ScrAtch CaRds

  25. The way you make the card is a cheap idea and give easily be gifted to other person.

    Scratch Cards

    Plastic Card Printing
    Plastic Card

  26. Is it possible to make 100s of slimier cards with hand?
    Printed Gift Cards

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Awesome tutorial! I made these the other day, Thanks!


  29. Very decent and professional business cards whoever hold this card must have some positive impression on his/her mind so appreciation from my side and i want to know what kind of Toner Cartridges is best to print such hard and colorful business cards.


I love comments ;) Please share your thoughts!