
a new me.

Hey so how do you like the new look of the blog?!

I am proud and shocked to say that I did it by myself!  It's amazing what a few hours...or more....can do!
I even figured out how to do the "put horizontal multiple pictures of the side bar" technique!

So tell me what you think of it?  Seriously, do I need to change anything? 
I'm almost done getting new buttons and I still need to fix up my tutorial page.

Have you ever just needed a change?  It was just time for a new look!


  1. it looks great, Lyssa. I love your little social media cute!

  2. I think it looks good. The only thing I can think of to tell you is that I find it hard to read the bright yellow text with white background. I like the chevron pattern!

  3. I love yellow = ) looks great! I did my own page awhile ago and it took a few long nights!! lol I think the yellow in your social icons and where your name needs to be outlined or something maybe?? or a deeper yellow.

  4. I want to say thank-you for all of the inspiration that you have given me in the past. I have been going outside the box and doing alot of recycling with creating...take a look at my blog for the past few months, I would love to hear your thoughts and more inspiration....Thankful, Tootsie

  5. Great job Lyssa! I really like the frames.

  6. You did a great job! It looks very fresh, clean and modern.

    I love the color scheme. Definitely keep the yellow, but maybe outline the letters in something to make them stand out.

    I'd love to know if you found any particular tutorials helpful. I have a blog redo on the back burner, waiting for "html for dummies" tutorials. :)

  7. I almost forgot - How did you do the different "About Me" pages and such?

    I want to do that, but I've heard it can't be done in Blogger.


  8. Yeah, the outlining the yellow or deeper yellow is a good idea. Sorry, didn't mean to make it sound like I didn't like the yellow color scheme just had trouble reading it.
    And Christa -there are some posts at Naptime Crafters called "blogging bootcamp" that have some info -they definitely have a link to an article on adding the "about me", etc tabs.

  9. Megan - Thanks so much! I'm going to check it out! :)

  10. Lyssa, I love what you've done with the place! The little frames are so cute, and I love the colors. So pretty!

  11. Lyssa - I think you've done some good work! I love the frames. And the social media buttons. Super cute! The only thing I would suggest would be to limit the number of blogrolls (Inspiring me daily) because it really creates what I call a 'scrolling circus' to get down the page - and no one really does that. You can limit the blogroll by going into that widget and choosing a specified number. Then it displays the most recent updated blogs according to the number you've specified to display. For instance, on mine blog I've specified to show 10 at a time. So each time you look at the page you'll probably see different ones come up as it shows the most current posts - that way all my 'creative crushes' still get some air time when they have new posts. Hope that helps to give some other ideas.


I love comments ;) Please share your thoughts!