
Random Utah

Some highlights of our Utah Trip:
Jenny & Aaron being sealed in the Mt. Timp Temple :) 
Father's day party at Jenny.  We planned and threw him a great meal, with sliders, veggies, raspberry lemonade & yummy fruit pizza for desert.

Grandma's house is awesome for the kids.  They played out in the sandbox for hours each day.  It was so fun playing with cousins that we never get to see!

At Jenny's house, we had a girl's sleepover with the nieces.  It was so fun to spend time with them!  THey are so so silly.  We watched Tangled, made Pizookies and had a dance party.  The "putting to bed" part was a struggled but we finally got them down and asleep.

I miss UT already.


  1. I've got to try one of those pizookies! What a fun idea

  2. The food looks amazing! I am so glad you had fun in Utah. I love all the shopping in Utah.


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