
Good Friends.

It's humbling to know that I am not alone!  I appreciate all of your comments and phone calls.  Seriously caught me off guard because, well, wasn't sure who read my lovely blog ;)  You reminded me that I truly do have great friends all around me.  And most of the feelings and thoughts are of my own making.
So thank you guys.  Seriously made me feel really good.  I am just a "friend" person.  It's hard for me when i'm in a new place and don't really know people all that well.  But I just need to be patient.  It'll will come. 

And thanks for your advice.  I do need to declutter my life and focus on what's really important.  I can easily get caught up in so many things and think I can handle it.  I can't.  So I hope to go with that plan and see what happens.

But most importantly, I need to believe in what I know.  I know that whenever I feel alone or sad, moody or having a bad day, Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ are just a prayer away.  I need to rely on Him more.  I need to implement more of Him in my life.  I have taken that for granted and I shouldn't have.  I know what I should be doing.  And when I do, I feel so much better.  So why do I always forget?!  Sigh...that's life, right?

Thank you again.  It's good to know that I am not alone in feeling this way.  And that I can fix it :)
Love you ladies :)


  1. Thanks for the two blogs Lyssa. I just moved, too, and I have had many of the same feelings. . . and I only have 1 1/2 kids! So I think that you are amazing. I, like you, hope that things settle down and that I find my niche, my routine, my good friends, and that I remember that the gospel keeps it all in perspective. You are great.


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