
Purple Party invitations

It's just a known fact that my daughter loves purple.  
LOVES purple.
So I thought it would be fun to throw her a Purple Party for  her 4th birthday.

So I started with purple invitations :)
 I used my eCraft to cut out the shapes.  I then made a sheet on Word, made sure the words fit inside the shape of the white paper and then stuck those shapes on the printed paper and ran it through the printer.

Then I connected the top piece with a brad that hinged up to reveal the inside :)
I tied it together with purple ribbon and stuck a purple felt butterfly on the top (courtesy of Dollar Tree)

I love how they turned out.  Seriously, I love it all.

Tomorrow, i'm going to show you the party pictures.  I am currently obsessed with purple :)


  1. Beautiful!! My BFF loves purple. I've never been a huge fan, but I try, for her. :0) I love your blog name. I found you through LML.

  2. I love the purple invites. I've always wanted to paint a wall in eggplant. I need a bigger house just to play with more colors.

  3. Beautiful invites! Love the little butterflies on the top!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  4. They are perfectly, purplely goodness! I'm sure the invitees will love them. The font is way cute too! :)

  5. What a super cute invite! LOVE purple myself. How are you loving your eCraft (I am so behind in visiting-sorry!).

  6. oh I am so glad I stumbled across your blog (via making the world cuter)! I am helping a friend with her daughter's birthday party - also purple theme - so can't wait to see some of your ideas for your daughter's party! Thanks for sharing this lovely invitation idea.

  7. Those are too stinkin' cute. What is an eCraft?

  8. this is sooo incredibly cute!! I'm pinning it!! :) great job! and I love purple too!!

  9. Hopping over from Ladybug Blessings linky party….
    What a wonderful crafty project :)
    I'd like to invite you to link your projects up at my weekly linking party at Craft Junkie Too. We'd love to have fabulous projects to share….:)
    T.G.I.F. Linky Party at Craft Junkie Too


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