
Birthday Celebration Part 2

Part 2, the Princess Party.
So initially I wasn't going to do a party.  I was so busy with other things that it was sort of the last thing that I wanted to do.  But after some guilt from Joe, I decided to throw her one.  So it was very low-key. 
She invited friends from school and church.  By the end, about 5 girls came and it was very nice.
We started by eating lunch at the park across the street from my house

After lunch, we had the kids come and color and glue shapes and stuff.

Then we had the cake.  Rainbow again :)

Emmy, her best frienemy

 Cute Gwen & Saphire

Easton, Emmy's

Saying goodbye/ opening presents / handing out the baggies.

Emma had tons of fun at her party.  Overall, i'm glad I did it.  But I was exhausted after that.  And thank you Karlye for taking pictures & Ali for helping with the girls :)

1 comment:

  1. What a cute party! Your girls are lucky to have a creative, fun mom:)


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