
Day 12: Thankful for Saturdays

I love Saturdays.
They are so relaxed and productive.
We usual make pancakes on the weekend.  And when i am feeling patient, I let them help ;)

They love helping and cooking.  It's really fun to see them standing together, helping.

 I couldn't help it, I had to take a picture of Kate's rats nest.  Every morning, without fail.  It's kind of cute in a deprived sort of way...

Have you seen these?  I recommend getting shapes for pancakes.  They are so fun for the kids!

And this is the best pancake recipe.  Courtesy of Martha.  Without fail, it hits the spot.

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures Lyssa. I love the B&W on these! And thanks for sharing your recipe.

    PS. Does Luke have batter in his hair in that one picture? Never a dull moment when kids are helping!!!! :)


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