
Day 26: Thankful for MY familiy

 Holidays tend to be spent with family.
Sadly, all mine are in UT while i'm over in WA.
I miss them like crazy but then that makes the reunions that much sweeter.
These were taken May of 2010.  The babies have changed but that's about it.  Oh, and maybe I don't have long hair anymore ;)

My family has traditions that I want to implement into my own.  Especially around the holidays.
I miss my sisters and the fun we have together.  I miss my brothers and the bond we share through Nin 64 ;)
My parents are always sacrificing something for us.  I love them so much.

 Love my brothers and sisters. even when they do stupid things that make me want to slap them in the face...cough cough ;)

If only we could live in UT!!  Oh well.  We can be the fun Aunt and Uncle who live in "cool WA" for now :)

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