
Mid-Winter Break

Today was the first day of the mid-winter break.  We have the rest of the weekend off.  Best part is that Joe has it off too.  Hopefully we'll something worthwhile!
Today, Emma and I (with the on & off help of Kate) made a snow castle.   We got dumped last night so we had plenty of snow. 

I'm going to be honest, usually I dread snow and playing in it with the kids.  I don't know why, I just loathe getting dressed and being out in the cold.  But today, since it was just me and the snow was perfect, I went ahead and sucked it up and went out.

And i'm glad I did.  It was really nice.  I ended up taking off my coat midway through.  Pretty good workout.

It was cool to see it go up.  sorry if the pictures are vague on how it looks.  it was bright.

Tomorrow, I think we'll add some height to this baby.  Maybe attempt a roof?

eCraft DT this week...

They guys, wanted to give you a sneak peek at what I made this week.
I made a pendant for my necklace.
You can find the "how-to" over on the blog!

Luke & His Room.

Remember when Luke turned his back on babyhood?
He seems to be doing just fine.  His toddler bed upgrade has been successful.
Here's an update on what his room looks like now.

That's one RED wall, right?  It came like that.  And since we're renting, i'm not putting in the effort to paint.  So Red stays.  Luckily it goes with his "colors".

Here's his new bed.  Larger than a Toddler bed but smaller than a twin.  Got this baby for free from a friend :)    I love his trunk.  Got it for $3 at a thrift store.  And his pallet shelf holds his precious books.

 That globe?  $5.  Don't be jealous.

Before naps and bedtime, we read 3 books.  I love that the books are set up where he can see them.  So he loves picking the books himself.

He's a little camera shy ;)

He has finally chosen.  He loves Pat the Bunny!

eCraft DT this week

Want to see what I made today?  Head over to the eCraft Blog to see the whole project :)

At the home front, 2/3 kids have coughs that won't go away.  I'll be missing MOPS this morning to tend to them.  I look forward to snuggling on the couch with them and watching a movie or two...

What are you doing today?

Quiet Time with Emma

While Joe ran up to the office to work on some stuff, I found myself playing Dress-up dolls with Emma in her room.  The other two kids were downstairs.
While we were playing school, I couldn't help but be distracted by my little Emma Beth.

She is just beautiful and smart.  Funny and silly.  Loving and creative...I could go on and on...

The thing about Emma is she's very strong-willed.  The first few years with her were a little rough...(little is an understatement).  Even a year ago, we were being confronted by her Preschool about her behavior and possibly her being kicked out.

Yet in the past year, she has grown SO much.  She loves school.  She is doing great with her Teacher.  She's one of the top students in hate to brag's true.

Just so proud of her and what kind of girl she is becoming.

 Now, she still has her moments, especially when Luke attacks or if she's not winning on the Wii...but

At the rate she's maturing, i'm not worrying about it as much anymore :)

birthday goodies

Besides Valentine's Day this month, there have been lots of birthday, mainly friends.
Want to share with you a few I made (with love ;)  )

Some adorable button earrings made with the yummiest fabric by Moda.  You'll be seeing this fabric again soon....

Next up is this adorable camera strap cover.  I have been wanting one of these forever.  But I always tend to make and give away the cutest things I make.  And i'm fine with that.  I know if I really REALLY want it, I'll make another one ;)

See that adorable flower?

Not only is it adorable, it's functional too!  It's a pocket for you lense cap!  I LOVE this little feature!

What do you think?  I seriously can't do enough ruffles in anything I make.
You guys curious how to make the camera strap?  Tutorial coming soon!

eCraft DT: week #6

This week, our challenge was to use our sponsor and make something geared towards a party. 
Here's  a sneak peek at what I did:

Want details?  Head on over to the eCraft Blog!

 Don't be surprised if you see me sporting this at the grocery store ;)

Are you into Lace like me these days?

a baby no more.

When did Luke decide to grow up?  I didn't sign that waiver!
Last night, he slept in his "big boy" bed for the first time.  He did great!  Only a couple times did he attempt to come out but then he laid down on his bed and went to sleep.  I crept in last night before I went to bed and it was one of those moments where you kind of pause and reflect on how fast these little ones grow...sniff sniff.

I took these this morning before church.  He was being so cooperative so I had to take advantage! 
What a handsome little thing...

10 on 10: February

Boy, did the 10th sneak up on me!  Got this up just in time!
This month has been busy with the normal family "busyness".  I hope after Valentine's day, it'll taper off.

Alrighty, here we go:
sneak peek self portrait, watching the snow fall, dejunking, laundry, morning potty break, wake up good morning, morning grin, Power Rangers, finished project, crib no more.

Thanks for joining me this month.

CHA: part 1

Did you know I left for 4 days alone to California?
yes...this is true.
Some how, the planets aligned and I was able to go kid-free for 4 days....
Honestly, let's just give a hand to Joe.  Seriously.  He watched the kids, took care of the house, got the kids where they needed to be, even went to church solo...something isn't right here...Who is this man and what has happened to Joe?
No, I don't give him enough credit around here.  He did awesome and I came home to a clean house.
really REALLy lucky to have a guy like Joe as my husband and father to my children.

Ok seriously i'm still in shock and stoked that I got to go.  Craftwell, who has made the eCraft, whose design team i'm on, liked what I make and like the pictures I have of them, so they flew me out to CHA to help out at the booth and take picture for them.
Part 1 is showing some swag I got from my weekend.  There were endless make n' takes at most booths.  I wish I had more time to hit every one.  I only made it to 2/3 of the convention center.  I was busy helping demonstrate their awesome machines and taking pictures.  But I can't complain because I had a fabulous time, being crafty, seeing friends again and making new ones.

So here we are, with some stuff I made and got for free.  Cute Totes, one from Martha Stewart I stenciled and another one I just got from their booth, Grant Studios...cutest stuff ever!!

These are some cute make n' takes at Lilybee designs & Maya Road.

Hair accessories I made and those yummy rings I made as well.  Free paint at the martha stewart booth.

An adorable make n' take frame, also at Lilybee deisng booth and a fun carrot at the Jillibean Soup Booth.

So so fun!  It has definitely given me inspiration and motivation to put my butt in gear and get crafting!
Be back with some pictures of CHA with yours truly :)

eCraft DT: week #5

This week, I am excited to share this:

I've been trying to finish the walls in my girls room.  They share a room and each has their own wall.  So I made this for my daughter, Emma.

I know you are dying to see what it is so head on over the ecraft blog!  If you like what you see, follow us along!  Each day, we have wonderful projects from all our design team!  It's great!

Also I must pass along some wonderful news.  Have you heard of HSN?!  Well the eCraft machine will be debuting Feb. 9th at 1 am, 11 am, and 7 pm!!!  You must check out this machine in action!  You will not be disappointed.!!  This is so exciting for Craftwell.  If you are in the market for an electronic die cutting machine, don't miss this!

Also, have you noticed i'm MIA?  Well after getting home from CHA, i've been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.  There are lots of things going on with my little home so i'm trying to prioritize and set everything in order!  Easier said than done.  Hopefully i'll have up some family & fun pictures of the past few months...Christmas anyone?!