
birthday goodies

Besides Valentine's Day this month, there have been lots of birthday, mainly friends.
Want to share with you a few I made (with love ;)  )

Some adorable button earrings made with the yummiest fabric by Moda.  You'll be seeing this fabric again soon....

Next up is this adorable camera strap cover.  I have been wanting one of these forever.  But I always tend to make and give away the cutest things I make.  And i'm fine with that.  I know if I really REALLY want it, I'll make another one ;)

See that adorable flower?

Not only is it adorable, it's functional too!  It's a pocket for you lense cap!  I LOVE this little feature!

What do you think?  I seriously can't do enough ruffles in anything I make.
You guys curious how to make the camera strap?  Tutorial coming soon!


  1. Both projects are adorable, love the colors too!
    TFS, Have a great day!

  2. Eweee I cant wait to see this tutorial. I've been wanting to make a camera strap for a while now! Super cute Lyssa.


I love comments ;) Please share your thoughts!