Here's what I made this week for the eCraft Design Team. And sadly, this will be my last week on the Team. I need life a bit more simple right now. So I reluctantly resigned. But hope to get back on in the future when things aren't so crazy here at home! It's been a wonderful 3 months!
This week's project is SO simple to do. It took me all of 10 minutes to make.
You just need a frame, scrapbook paper, some bake and shrink paper, and a dry erase marker, along with the eCraft machine, of course ;)I cut out the "Today" with the eCraft using the bake and shrink paper, pressure to 8 and 5 inches big.
I colored it black then baked it. It shrunk to a perfect size that fit perfect on the frame. Since the design I chose to shrink was a bit delicate, it took some prodding on my part to flatten and get back in a descent shape. But it worked out just fine :)
I took my frame and grabbed some scrapbook paper, cut it to 8x10 and placed that inside the frame.
So now you have a dry erase Today board. Perfect for the office or kitchen!
Today for me, Laundry, Vacuum and hopefully a NAP!
It's super simple but makes a great statement in your home! Just make sure you have a dry erase marker that works better than mine! lol
I just finished my Communications wall...then I saw your dry erase...nice touch with the paper backing! Enjoying the weather...Happy Mothers Day!