
Hogle Zoo

The big family went to Hogle Zoo the day before we left.  This was exciting since my kids haven't been to the zoo in ages.  The last time was when Emma was like 2 or something.
I even rented a double stroller and it was the best $8 I ever spent. It was super hot that day and knew the kids would be tired of walking.

They loved the Merry-Go-Round!  We were first in line so they got to pick their animal.

We did the zoo train that lasted 5 minutes....but it was still fun .

Before leaving, they had fun playing with this ball that they could roll!

Honestly, by the end, I was spent.  It seriously so hot.  I don't do hot, especially pregnant.

 I think we crashed the rest of the day until that evening when I was asked to take pictures of all the grandkids together for my mom.....just remember when planning, don't do a big outing like to the zoo the same day as wanting to take pictures of all the kids....just saying...

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