
#3 is 3

This little boy, my baby, is 3!  That time has gone by too fast.
He's a silly tease who loves to snuggle and kiss and hug.  He's a big sweetheart and loves his family

In the morning, he opened his presents, which he loved.  Got some balls, motorized trucks, clothes and money.

During the day was pretty busy with soccer games and the girls music recital (more on that later). For dinner, we went to Red Robin to celebrate.  These pictures were done as they were singing to him.  He gets shy around things like that ...

THAT below is his shy, what are you doing, face.  It's too cute but he couldn't complain the birthday sundae.

When we got home, we ate some yummy cake balls that I actually won from a local bakery.  They turned out so cute.  It was a hit!

I can't believe he's 3.  He's getting to big.  He's also getting to be a great talker.  The physical things were a given and has been doing those things from the womb.  But he's talking so well now and learning academics really well too.  I love my Luke!

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