
something for the babe...

So I am so behind for Sept.  I have so many pictures to include on here.  

But for now, i'm going to share what I created yesterday.
It's been fun to create something for this little babe that will be coming in exactly 1 month (we are hoping for it, anyways!)  

I can't wait to put it on my little guy!  I'm doing a little how-to over at the Craftwell blog.  So if you want to learn how to do it too, head on over :)
I can't believe i'm due in a month.  This sure has flown by up to this point.  Now time seems to stand still.  I keep hoping that my due date is way off and i'll have the baby super early ;)  I think that's every pregnant woman's dream!

1 comment:

  1. This is lovely what a great sentiment - you will have to post a picture when little one is wearing it


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