
72 Hour Food Kits

 Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God;

Emergency Preparedness is something our Relief Society is focusing on this year.  This month, we are doing a 72 Hour Food Kit Night.  We'll be getting together and assembling our kits.  I'm on the Activity Committee so I've been able to plan for it.  I started searching online for ideas.  Most were helpful but not exactly what I was looking for. 

Here's what I was looking for:
-Food that wasn't dependant on water to prepare.
-Pop tops for cans so to not need a can opener.
-Something that totaled less than $15.
-Something my family and I would actually eat.
-Items that expired in a year.
-Something compact and easy to grab in an emergency.

So with that in mind, I took my calculator aka phone and my 2 boys and headed to Costco, Freddies & *gasp* Walmart to see if this could be done.  

So after my research, I was able to find items that fit my criteria.  All this below for $11:

Here's the Cost Breakdown:  I added gas in there for compensation since i'll be driving all over town to pick up supplies.  Plus, it helps round things up nicely.  I have to add that i've lucked out this month for cost.  Lot of items that I got at Costco are on sale right now, like the Snack Pak's, Fruit Snacks etc.  So if you catch this in time, you'll get a great deal like me.  Otherwise, it'll be a tad more once they're gone.

Here's the Daily Menu for each day:  You can get a download copy of this menu HERE :)

Most would say this is not enough water.  I agree.  But I also know that there should be another source of water in your Emergency items.  This is purely for quick escapes and you don't want to be hauling gallons of water per person!

Day 1:
 Day 2:
 Day 3:

As far as packing them, I attempted to fit them all in a 1 gallon ziploc bag....ya there was no way they were all fitting in it.  I will be heading to Walmart today and getting 2 gallon ziploc bags instead, which should fit it all in there.  Then you can add it to the rest of your 72 hour kits.  Remember to check back in about a year and rotate your items!

Just have to say, i'm thankful for the "push" from my calling to research and purchase these items so that I will be prepared in case of an emergency!

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