
face painting.

There is a fun store in Wenatchee called Academic Toolbox that sells high quality toys, school supplies and everything else in between. Kids can sign up their birthdays and you get a $10 postcard in the mail to spend in their store.  It's a pretty sweet deal.  Emma finally cashed in her $10.
She bought a Face Painting Kit. She knew she wanted it right when she saw it.  I tried to entice her with other fun things we found but she was adamant about getting the face painting kit.  Okay, let's get it then :)

Multiple times she's tried to come down in the morning with shapes or pictures on her face and go to school. I first made her clean it off.  I then said she had to be sure it would be  okay with her teacher.  Tonight, she told me that it was okay.  So we'll see what she does tomorrow.

Yesterday, as I was getting Jake up from a nap, I spied these two in the bathroom.  It was the cutest thing.  I had to take pictures of it.  Of course Kate was ever so willing to be the experiment.  They both were having fun and giggling at the outcome. 

I think my favorite thing about this is how natural and "in her element" Emma was as she was applying the face paint.  We might have a Carni on our hands...


  1. Super cute. Love the painting in kate's dimples.

  2. So cute!! I love sisters. And I love spying on kids when they are doing something fun.

  3. so sweet... the older sister's seriousness is precious and the final product, awesome!

  4. Such a sweet series of photos Lyssa!! :) Thanks for linking up with the simple things this week!


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