
my little princes

I am smitten by my boys.  I can't get enough of them.  I know you probably figured with Jake, since I obsessively post about him.  But I have a huge crush on Luke too.

He's just getting so big and "boy"ish these days.  He has the cutest little voice that talks so well now.  I love hearing him talk to me and ask questions.
And he loves his little baby Jake.  He's much better with him these days.  At 2 months, things were a bit rough.  But now, he's gentle and tries to play with him or make him smile when he's crying.

And look what we have here?  Is that a sitter?!  Yep, Jake is becoming quite the big almost 6 month old now! He's a supported sitter these days.  We have daily workout times to get him stronger :)

Aren't his eyes amazing?  I always get drawn in.

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