
And then the tunnel collapsed...

Well, I have to apologize for faking ya'll out about having this baby today. We too were faked. An hour before going to the hospital, it's manditory to call the hospital to make sure there are available spots in the hospital and that everything is in the clear. So we did. Initially, they told us there weren't beds ready yet until 7 or 7:30 so they'd call us back. Around 6, they called back and informed us that my doctor was too full and couldn't see us anymore today and that we'd have to revert back to inducing on Friday. Not good news, not good news at all. Joe had talked to them and as I heard Joe's voice become disppointed, I knew it wasn't going to happen today. And after this whole pregnancy, should I be surprised? I kind of just knew in the back of my mind that something wrong would happen today or it wouldn't work out. I just don't understand why my Dr. didn't listen to me earlier when I wanted to induce earlier. So since it was schedule so late, the date is so late and now i'll have the baby the 20th and then Joe goes to school on the 23rd. It's just a whole big disappointment. I know there are alot of you out there who LOVE Dr. Cerny but I don't at all. I regret switching to her. Maybe I had too high of expectations with her from everyone bragging about how wonderful she is. I think it'll just be really frustrating and disappointing if I induce this baby and she's too big and i'll have to have a C-section, which I told the Dr. that is a common reoccurance in my family and didn't want that to happen. So i'm just praying that doesn't or i'll be really mad. So call this my venting session or whatever but I need it cause the end of this pregnancy has just been too emotionally draining for me to handle. And Joe is just as frustrated. I just need to learn some patience...I think that's what the Lords trying to teach me in this trial so i'm trying to have a good attitude about this. It's just hard when everything that could go wrong, does. So I honestly don't know when I will have the good news of having the baby so you'll just have to wait like me :)


  1. Oh Lyssa, I am so sorry! That is a big let down isn't it? Dr. Cerny is a really good doctor but she won't induce unless there are medical reasons or some big event like your husband is leaving for the military or something like that. She shouldn't bring up inducing to patience unless she really plans on doing it. She did the same thing to me. However, all things aside, your body knows what is best and so does Heavenly Father. The baby will come out when your body is ready and for all we know you are still on schedule, didn't your due date get switched around several times? I know any advice is not good advice right now for you because you just want to be DONE. I want you to be done too. We'll keep praying for you. I KNOW everything will work out. All this is just part of "Kate's Birth Story" which you will laugh at SOMEDAY I promise. Each birth has such a different story but that's what makes it fun. Chin up and know someone in Idaho loves you:)

  2. Hang in there Lyss! You poor thing! I can't imagine! I had an adjustment from the chiropractor and then a massage the day before i had eli.....maybe you should try that? If not, it feels nice!!!!

    Good luck!
    You're in my prayers!

  3. BUMMER! I totally know how you feel. My Dr. said she would induce me on my due date with Lily. I went to her office with my bags packed even I was so sure I was getting induced and she had the nerve to send me home. I was crushed. I hate being pregnant! Good Luck for the 20th though. I'll be checking back to see how things go.

  4. What? I don't believe this! This is an outrage! Tell that dumb doctor to open up his schedule or just knock someone of their bed and take it! If that dosn't work I like the idea of going and getting a massage! They have $30 pregnancy massages at spa d' sante 558-3558 on Huebner if you just need to relax and get away. Or your annoying visiting teachers could come visit you! Thanks a bunch for letting me borrow your circle cutter, we finished cutting out over 75 circles in an hour today! That was such a huge time saver. Well, let me know if you need me to go kick some dr butt!

  5. Ahh, that sucks! Steve told me he talked to Joe this morning, and I'm sorry about that. But coming from a neurotic mom-(meaning ME) I can say, that maybe your baby is not done cooking, you know? I mean take me for example, we induced 2 weeks early and then Olivia had to be re admitted for some concerns. I would have loved to been waiting for her to be ready, besides Heavenly Father knows best. Also, let me tell you once your baby is out, she's OUT for life! and it's not the easiest having two kids, you can lose your mind!-remeber when I showed up at your doorstep the wrong day for playdate?! Anyway, hang in there and you will have your baby soon enough.


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