

Thanks everyone for your support. I saw my dr. today and I guess what the hospital told us, with blaming Dr. Cerny, was a lie. Actually, the hospital was too full and had to bump me off. THey called both of us and let us know. Dr. Cerny had nothing to do with it. So I apologize for dissing her when it wasn't her fault. I think it had finally hit me this morning of everything since I was half asleep when Joe told me the sad I jsut had to say that...


  1. Oh Lyssa, I feel so bad for you! You should try walking the mall, getting out and just try to forget that you are waiting on a little person to decide to come out. Even though I am sure you feel too big and bummed to anything.
    I hope all goes well and I am sure it will all work out for the best!
    Love ya

  2. That SUCKS! Okay, here is my plan: go on the Internet and find all the folklorish way to induce labor. Here is what I have heard supposedly has worked for some of my friends: drive on a bumpy road, go to higher elevation, get down on your hands & knees and scrub the kitchen floor, eat spicy food, jump on a trampoline, go for a lot of walks. Maybe if you do all that in one day Kate won't want to stay inside anymore!! :) Hey, it's better than waiting around right?

  3. Lyssa, good luck with all of this! It sounds so horrible, but you have been so good to put up with it. When you finally get to go to the hospital they better give you extra special treatment, seriously. I hope things work out soon because you really deserve it!

  4. I know this will make me look and sound bad..but just do the dirty deed..and that will give her the scare of her life and force her to come out...he he he...


  5. My mom thinks taking castor oil works. My sister took it and had her baby the next day. Whose to say if it worked or the baby was coming then anyways, but hey can't hurt trying.

    They also say "gettin' some" is supposed to help.

    Here's a website with other suggestions:,1510,5329,00.html

    Good luck!


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