
New Rule for Bet

Jaime brought up a good point. You have to bet a date and time to make it more interesting :)


  1. My little Lyssa. I wish I was there to help you out with whatever you needed right now.

    I can't believe how big your belly gets for being such a petite person!! You still look beautiful though as always:)

    Good Luck with everything if I don't get to talk to you before the baby comes!! Miss and love ya...

  2. I bet July 14th at around 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM. That's only five days away. Good luck!

  3. my guess is July 12th between 4:45 am and 7:15 am :) She'll be getting you ready for those early morning feedings.

    Not like it makes it any easier, but the best advice I got about my due date was to enjoy these last few minutes while the baby was mine alone, for once she's born you have to share.

    Hope you go into labor soon!

  4. Bought and tried my new baby "pouch" (the same one you got) and I LOVE it. It is so much nicer than the maya wrap or any sling with rings or clamp to mess with. It is so easy and Avery really likes it which I'm surprised. She likes her space and didn't like the maya wrap. This one is very easy to use, comfortable and folds up pretty small for the diaper bag. Thanks for bringing Lucky Baby to my attention Lyssa!!

  5. Okay, so my guess is July 12th at about midnight you will head to the hospital and she will be born sometime around noon the next Day. So, Friday the 13th around 12:00.

  6. You're almost there! And you still look GREAT - though I'm sure you don't feel it.
    Today, whatever today's date is.. I'm feeling good that's when she'll come. So, it's july 11th at 8:16. Good luck! That's exactly six hours away. GET PUSHING!!

  7. I forgot...Craig wanted in on this too. His guess is the 12th between 12-4pm


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