
Whale Sighting!

Could I get any bigger? Seriously!


So my excitement of having this baby decreases as each day passes. I wish I could induce and get this girl out! I'm just too huge to do anything. I lay about the house like a whale. I am no help to anyone, especially JOe. Thank goodness he's not doing anything right now. So he's been such a great help with Emma and cooking. Ok i'm not totally useless. I still can do things, like get out of bed, take care of Emma, feed her, I occasionally make dinner. That's a start right?

So I'm starting a bet on when this girl is going to come. Please, everyone, bet on a date. I'm curious to see when you think she's coming. My due date is the 13th, just to give you some help...but I want everyone to bet! The one closest to the date wins a prize...and i'll think of something really good, don't worry! So cast in your bets and when the fateful day comes, i'll let you know who won!
PS i'm really sad she didn't come yesterday. I wanted her birthday to be 7.7.07 :(

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  1. My bet is July 17th between 1 & 3 pm. (Have everyone pick a time too just in case there's double ups on dates) Sorry, I know you are hoping for something before the 13th right?? But I'm just guessing. And don't tell anyone about any progress after doctor appointments other wise that won't be fair to those who already place their bets!!! :)

  2. I bet Friday the 13th!!! That would be a cool day too! Probably between 1am-8am. Good luck! And Lyssa you really do look awesome, I just wanted to make sure everyone knew you were pregnant in Sunday School in case they didn't know.

  3. I was wondering if you were still preggers, anyway I say Saturday the 14th at night 7-10 pm.

  4. Okay, I'm going to bet on the 15th around 6 am. Not that I'm hoping it's any later than Friday:)

  5. I'm betting July 11th because that is my birthday. Wahoo!

  6. I bet July 12 1am-6am. Hope everything goes good with it. If you need anything feel free to call.

  7.'s my vote. i know you've been waiting for it. :) and, you should have...because I will most likely win. I am very good at these things. :)

    So, I predict that little Zimmerman will make her first appearance on July 11th at around 11:15 p.m.
    Thank you.
    I can't wait for my prize.

  8. Oh Lyssa, Lyssa, Lyssa...Megan was 5 days late - and she was induced. Oh the glory days...yeah right. So I am thinkning your baby will come on the 15th. I wish she would have come on the 7th, too - that would have been so fun!!

  9. P.S. I think she'll come in the morning - around 7am


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